Alex's Dry Cleaning Valet

Signing up for Alex’s Dry Cleaning Valet pick-up & delivery service is easy, just click below!

For any frequently asked questions refer to our list below.

How It Works

It Takes Only 3 Steps

Phone icon

Sign up and request a pickup.

Step 01
Shirt icon

Gather your clothes.

Step 02
Truck icon

Leave your bag out for pickup.

Step 03
  • What are scheduled pick up and delivery days in my area?

    Regardless where you live, You have 2 options: Automatic Route or Will Call.

    Automatic Route: Is when you choose a fixed day each week for your pick-ups using our pre scheduled days in your area as listed below. This is good if you know you have cleaning every week. 24 Hours cancelation required if no service needed on any given day(s).

    Will Call: Is when you call in your orders the night before the service is required. This is good if you don’t want to commit to a certain day, and you like to keep your options open. You have 6 days access to our service and you receive Same Day service in Marin and Next Day Service in SF. Peninsula/South Bay Mondays and Thursdays. East Bay on Saturdays only.

  • What time do you pick up and deliver?

    For Marin - Our pick ups start at 6:00 AM- and delivery is between 2-8 PM Please leave your bag on the porch as soon as you have called in your order. We have drivers in the area and pick ups are constantly dispatched.

    For SF – our pickup and delivery is between 6:30 and 11:30 AM.

    For Peninsula - Our pick up and delivery is between 7:30 Am and 1:00 pm.

    For East bay - Our pick up and delivery is every Saturday between 7:00 AM and 9:30 AM.

  • Do you charge a delivery fee?

    No. However, We have the following minimum order policy

    $50 min for Marin county.

    $75 min. San Francisco and Peninsula.

    $150 min.Sonoma Proper and Napa Proper.

    $150 min South Bay

    $75-$300 East Bay Depending on distance

    Please contact us if you are are loacted farther.

    Missed Bag Fee $25.00 (When your bag is not availabe after you've requested a pickup)

  • How do I pay for this service?

    By Credit Card - We accept Visa, Master Card and American Express . A monthly statement at the end of each month will be emailed to you.

  • What's a welcome package?

    It is our way of welcoming you to our service. In your welcome kit, you'll receive your personalized laundry bag, a complimentary lint roller, a brass hook to be placed on your porch or side gate, spot tape to indicate any known spots; complimentary collar stays, a note pad and an pen, and a complimentary shoe polish coupon, and often times a surprised item of the month. If you are interested in using less plastic please ask for our reusa-bags. These bags convert to a garment bag when we return your orders to you.

  • Where do you pick up and drop off my garments?

    Pickup and delivery location could also include through the concierge desks where such possibility exists. In the garages or rooms in around the house if codes or keys are provided.

  • How to contact with our laundry experts

    There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have in that some form by injected words which don’t look even as slightly now.

  • Do I have to be there when the order is picked up or delivered?

    No. Leave your bag on the porch or a pre-designated area, and we take care of the rest. We'll pick it up and deliver it back to you according to your pick up and delivery days above.

  • How do I place an order each time?

    By Phone: call 1-800-44 VALET - 24/7 voice mail leave your name, address and phone number

    By Internet: go to and click on the Free Pick Up button up on our website

    You may also place your pickup orders by using our iPhone or android app.

  • How do I tell you about a special request concerning a garment?

    If you have special instructions, attach a note to the item or leave a message on our voice mail at 1-800-44VALET (1-800-448-2538). If ordering on line, enter a detailed note in the space provided in the special instruction field.

  • What if there is a problem with my order?

    We will do our best to remedy the situation. In most cases we would need to pick up the item and examine it and get back to you. Please call us at 415-458-8180 and ask for customer service or leave a message and we will contact you.

  • What happens if I forgot something valuable in my pockets?

    If any personal items are found, they are placed in a security bright color envelope and are attached to the invoice found in front of your order. If cash is found, because our drivers don't carry cash on the vans, it will be credited to the account and will appear on your monthly statement.

  • How do you keep my credit card information safe?

    We use industry-accepted encryption and authentication technology for all web transactions to assure that only our authorized staff can read any information that is transmitted to us.

  • Where do the garments get processed for cleaning?

    All services are provided at our facility in San Rafael with the exception of leather suede, and area rugs.

  • Can I come and see your operations?

    Yes – and we would be happy to give you a tour of our facility.

    We are located at: 628 Lindaro Street, San Rafael, CA 94901.

    Phone: 415-458-8180 (Direct Line) and 415-457-8002.

Alex's Dry Cleaning Valet

Cities & Neighborhoods